Linda Macri, PhD

Linda Macri, PhD
Dr. Macri is the Director of Academic and Professional Development in the Graduate School and has directed the Graduate School Writing Center since 2014. From 2005-2013, she served as the director of the Academic Writing Program in the English Department. Her interests are in composition studies and rhetorical theory, graphic novels and comic studies, and women’s literature. She has taught a range of courses from "English 101" to "Writing for Non-Profits" to "The Rhetoric of Fiction." According to Dr. Macri, directing the Graduate School Writing Center is "the best job on campus because everyday I get to learn about the amazing research that our passionate, committed graduate students are engaged in."
At The Graduate School, Dr. Macri oversees the development and delivery of programming and resources that support academic and professional development for graduate students across campus. She develops and implements campus-wide communication initiatives and programs for graduate students, including GradTerp Exchange
Department Information
- Office of Academic and Professional Development