Fellowship and Financial Forms
Assistantship Forms
Note: UMD is a signatory of the April 15 resolution, allowing newly admitted students until April 15 of the current admissions cycle to accept any offer of financial assistance associated with their admission.
GA Appointment Letter Template (see additional guidance for programs here)
Graduate Assistant Statement of Mutual Expectations (4 Different Form Options):
- Teaching Assistants,
- Research Assistants,
- Administrative Assistants,
- Instructors of Record who Report to a Supervisor
Petitions, Requests, and Waivers
Thesis and Dissertation Forms
Nomination of Thesis or Dissertation Committee Form
Thesis/Dissertation Embargo Request (effective December 2, 2021)*
ETD Style Guide and templates can be found here
Graduation Surveys (Required for all UMD doctoral graduates)
Graduation Forms
General Forms
*Effective December 2, 2021, thesis and dissertation students are no longer required to submit the Electronic Publication Form as part of their graduation requirements, although submission and publication of the thesis/dissertation is still a requirement for graduation. Students may place an embargo of up to two years on electronic access to their document through ProQuest's Digital Dissertations and DRUM without approval from the Graduate School. Approval from The Graduate School via the form above is required to place an embargo for a maximum of six years or indefinitely.