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External Opportunities

Listed below are various funding opportunities external to the University, including fellowships and awards. Deadlines vary.

AAUW - American Association of Women American Fellowship
AAUW - American Association of Women Career Development Grants
AAUW - American Association of Women International Fellowships
AAUW - International Fellowships For Women
ACLS: Henry Luce Foundation Program in China Studies
ACLS: The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies
American Philosophical Society (Postdoctoral)
American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT)
Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship
Big Ten Academic Alliance-Smithsonian Fellowship
Canadian Federation of University of Women
Center fo Khmer Studies
Center for Khmer Studies Dissertation Fellowship
Consortium on Race, Gender and Ethnicity - Advanced Doctoral Student Dissertation Grants
DAACS Digital Archaeological Archive of Comparative Slavery - DAACS
DOE Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program
Elizabeth Munsterberg Koppitz Fellowship Program
Frasure-Kruzel-Drew Memorial Fellowship at the U.S. Department of State
History of Art Institutional Fellowships (Kress Foundation)
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
John F. Kennedy Library: Ernest Hemingway Research Grants
Marshall Sherfield Fellowships
Meta Fellowship Program
National Gallery of Art: Ailsa Mellon Bruce Predoctoral Fellowships for Historians of American Art to Travel Abroad
National Gallery of Art Predoctoral Dissertation Fellowship Programs
National GEM Consortium
National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships
Newberry Long-Term Fellowships
NIH and NIMH Fellowships
Omohundro Institute - Short Term Fellowships
Organization of American Historians: Huggins-Quarles Award
PhRMA Foundation: Health Outcomes Predoctoral Fellowship (Limited Submission)
SSRC: Next Generation in Social Sciences in Africa: Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Fellowship
Wenner Gren Foundation

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