External Opportunities
Listed below are various funding opportunities external to the University, including fellowships and awards. Deadlines vary.
Abe Fellowship
ACLS: The McClary-Walser Fellowship in Music Studies
Apple Scholars Fellowship (limited submission)
Dan David Prize
Fulbright Postdoc Fellowship
John F. Kennedy Library: Abba P. Schwartz Research Fellowship
John F. Kennedy Library: Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. Research Fellowship
John F. Kennedy Library: Marjorie Kovler Research Fellowship
John F. Kennedy Library: Theodore C. Sorensen Research Fellowship
Lewis Center for the Arts: Princeton Arts Fellowship
Lewis Center for the Arts: The Hodder Fellowship
NVIDIA Fellowships
National Gallery of Art - Visiting Senior Fellowship Program
Presidential Management Fellows (PMF)
The National Academies: Jefferson Science Fellowship
The Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship
ACLS: Henry Luce Dissertation Fellowships in American Art
Association of Public Health Laboratories (APL) Fellowships & Internships
Echoing Green
Harvard Academy Scholarships
Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowship Award
Internship: The Archives of American Art
Louisville Institute Seminary Post Doctoral Fellowship
Marshall Scholarships
NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans
President's Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
School of Social Science Visiting Scholars (limited submission)
Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Programs
The Herbet Scoville Jr Peace Fellowship
The National Academies: Christine Mirzayan Science & Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship Program
The National Gallery of Art - Senior Fellowship Program
The Getty Foundation Fellowship
The Rhodes Scholarship
The United Nations Association of the National Capital Area Graduate Fellows Program
UMD Global Stewards Graduate Training Fellowship
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowships
AAUW - American Association of Women American Fellowship
AAUW - American Association of Women Career Development Grants
AAUW - American Association of Women International Fellowships
AAUW - International Fellowships For Women
ACLS: Henry Luce Foundation Program in China Studies
ACLS: The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies
American Philosophical Society (Postdoctoral)
American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT)
Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship
Big Ten Academic Alliance-Smithsonian Fellowship
Canadian Federation of University of Women
Center fo Khmer Studies
Center for Khmer Studies Dissertation Fellowship
Consortium on Race, Gender and Ethnicity - Advanced Doctoral Student Dissertation Grants
DAACS Digital Archaeological Archive of Comparative Slavery - DAACS
DOE Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program
Elizabeth Munsterberg Koppitz Fellowship Program
Frasure-Kruzel-Drew Memorial Fellowship at the U.S. Department of State
History of Art Institutional Fellowships (Kress Foundation)
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
John F. Kennedy Library: Ernest Hemingway Research Grants
Marshall Sherfield Fellowships
Meta Fellowship Program
National Gallery of Art: Ailsa Mellon Bruce Predoctoral Fellowships for Historians of American Art to Travel Abroad
National Gallery of Art Predoctoral Dissertation Fellowship Programs
National GEM Consortium
National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships
Newberry Long-Term Fellowships
NIH and NIMH Fellowships
Omohundro Institute - Short Term Fellowships
Organization of American Historians: Huggins-Quarles Award
PhRMA Foundation: Health Outcomes Predoctoral Fellowship (Limited Submission)
SSRC: Next Generation in Social Sciences in Africa: Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Fellowship
Wenner Gren Foundation
American Society for Nutrition (ASN) Fellowships
Autism Science Foundation (PreDoc/Post Doc Fellowship)
Center for Engaged Scholarship
Council on LIbrary and Information Resources Postdoctoral Program
Graduate Fellowships for STEM Diversity
Harold M. Weintraub Graduate Student Award
Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy - Grants
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Gilliam Fellowship
James Harris Arts and Humanities Visionary Scholarships
John Carter Brown Library: Short-Term and Long-Term Fellowships
Link Foundation Energy Program
Newberry Short-Term Fellowships
Point Foundation LGBT Scholarship
Robert Schalkenback Foundation
The Dedalus Foundation Dissertation Fellowships
The Study Foundation of the Berlin House of Representatives
American Meteorological Society
BC Children's Hospital Research Institute - Postdoctoral Program
Boren Fellowships
Bryce Harlow Foundation Fellowship
Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Graduate Fellowship
Chateaubriand Fellowship
DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship
Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fellowship (limited submission)
Graduate Women in Science
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis - Youth Scientist Summer Program
Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship Program
New York Historical Society: Andrew Mellon Fellowships
Patrick Henry Writing Fellowship
Roberta Sigel Early Career
SSRC: Next Generation in Social Sciences in Africa: Doctoral Dissertation Completion
Society for Research in Child Development Fellowships
Steven H. Sandell Grant Program (Retirement Research)
The Economic Club: David M. Rubenstein Scholarship Program
The Leakey Foundation
Washington Biologists Field Club Research Award (WBFC)
American Musicological Society: Alvin H. Johnson Fellowship
American Musicological Society: Howard Mayer Brown Fellowship
Chinese Language Fellowship Program
Explorers Club Washington Group
Frances M. Culbertson Travel Grant
Hertog Foundation Constitutional Studies Program
Hertog Foundation Political Studies Program
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
Intelligence Community Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program
Landscape Architecture Foundation: Olmsted Scholars Program
Legacy Award of the Victims of Pan Am Flight 103, Inc
L'Oreal USA for Women in Science Fellowship
Louisville Institute Seminary Dissertation Fellowship
Margaret A. Blanchard Dissertation Prize
McNell Center for Early American Studies
Pat Tillman Foundation (military service members, veterans and spouses)
Rachel Tanur Memorial Prize
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation - Health Policy Research Scholars
The Hanna H. Gray Fellows Program (Postdoctoral Opportunity)
Zuckerman Postdoctoral Program
American Geophysical Union (AGU): The Horton Hydrology Research Grant
Arnold L. Mitchem Dissertation Fellowships
Congressional Fellowships on Women and Public Policy
Health Policy for Research Scholars
J.W. Saxe Memorial Fund
Laura Bassi Scholarship
National Biosafety and Biocontainment Training Program (NBBTP) Fellowship
Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) Dissertation Fellowship
William Randolph Hearst Summer Fellowship
Bloomberg Data Science Ph.D. Fellowship
Department of Energy - Office of Science Graduate Student Research
Gabr Fellowship
Google PhD Fellowship (Limited Submission)
National Academy of Public Administration - The Herbert Roback Scholarship
NWRI Fellowship Program
Prelinger Award
SECU MD Foundation
The Economic Club: Dearborn & Jordan Fellowships
U.S. Department of Energy - The Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) Program
Wenner Gren Foundation
Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS)
ACM SIGHPC/Intel Computational & Data Science Fellowships
Azrieli International Visiting PhD Fellowship
National Institutes of Justice
Phi Kappa Phi
The Geneva Challenge
The National Institute of Social Sciences - Dissertation Grants
Acoustical Society of America Fellowships
Activate Fellowship
American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship
Caspar Wistar Postdoctoral Fellows Program
Computer Science Fellowship Opportunities
DACOR Bacon House Foundation Scholarship for the Study of Foreign Affairs
Dreyfus Foundation
Entrepreneurship Scholarship for Women
Fulbright Opportunities at UMD
Grants.Gov Funding Opportunities
Hearst Journalism Awards Program - Multimedia (Limited Submission)
Hearst Journalism Awards Program - Photojournalism (Limited Submission)
Hearst Journalism Awards Program - Television (Limited Submission)
Hearst Journalism Awards Program - Writing (Limited Submission)
John F. Kennedy Library Foundation: Kennedy Library Research Grants
Marcellus Policy Fellowship
National Gallery of Art: Fellowships
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
National Institute of Health Fellowships
National Institutes of Health Funding Opportunities
National Science Foundation
Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)/ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Student Research Participation
Resources for the Future
Smithsonian - Internship Opportunities
SSRC (Social Science Research Council) website
The Medieval Academy of America: Awards and Fellowships
The Stephen C. Rose Legacy Scholarships
U.S. Department of State: Student Internships
Virginia Tech Postdoctoral Fellowship