January 2022: Invest in Your Success!
A new year is always time for new goals and new efforts. Join the Graduate School and other units this January for programs, workshops, and events designed to help you progress through your Graduate Pathways! From writing retreats to career development workshops to mental health first aid training--there’s something for all graduate students to start the year off well! For questions about the event, please contact gs-events@umd.edu.
Communicate and Lead Pathway |
January 10-14, 9:30am-12:30pm and 1:30pm-3:30pm Daily Hybrid | Thesis and Dissertation Retreat Make progress on your thesis or dissertation before the semester begins at the Graduate School Writing Center’s hybrid writing retreat. Set your writing goals, write in community, get support from writing fellows. The retreat is aimed specifically at students already writing their theses, dissertation proposals, or dissertations. In person attendance is limited to 20 people; no limit for virtual attendance. |
January 20, 5pm-7pm Virtual | GradTerp Exchange Join us for the first GradTerp Exchange of the new year! This month, we’ll hear from graduate students in the interdisciplinary Global STEWARDS program about a range of research at the nexus of energy, food systems, and water reuse. Tune in from the comfort of your couch! |
January 21, 9am-12pm Virtual | Graduate Student Teaching Orientation Are you a graduate student or postdoc serving as a TA or instructor of record in the spring? Join us for the Teaching and Learning Transformation Center’s January 2022 Graduate Student Teaching Orientation! This orientation consists of both an asynchronous handbook for you to access any time and live workshops over Zoom. Click here for more details. |
January 21, 1pm Virtual | Crafting Your Teaching Philosophy Statement Crafting an authentic, unique teaching philosophy statement can be overwhelming. We will discuss attributes of an effective teaching philosophy statement, look at examples, and break the writing process down into manageable steps to help you get started. |
January 28, 3pm Virtual | 3MT Workshop The annual Three-Minute Thesis Competition (3MT) challenges students to communicate the significance of their research projects to a non-specialist audience in just THREE MINUTES! Join us for the workshop to help you prepare for the competition or just to hone your communication skills! |
Manage Your Career Pathway |
January 12, 1:30pm-3:30pm UPDATE: Virtual | IMPORTANT UPDATE: New Year & Your Career: A Virtual Doctoral Retreat Due to the Omicron variant spike, the in-person retreat has been changed to a shorter, Zoom retreat. Join us online to refocus on your career. This event is for you if you don't know where to start, know you need to do more career exploration but haven't had time, or are panicked because you are graduating in May or August and really need a job. Register in Zoom. |
January 20, 12pm-1pm Virtual | How to Bring Career Info to Your Constituents: An Info Session for Graduate Student Organization Leaders Have you heard your members or constituents worrying about finding internships or jobs? Do you wish you knew what to tell them? Increase your knowledge about career services for graduate students at Maryland so you can help your fellow students. Interactive session in which you'll discuss some typical scenarios with other student leaders. Registration required in Zoom. |
January 25, 4pm-5pm Virtual | Rita B. Leahy Career Series-MD Biotech This series of career panels is specifically for doctoral students and postdocs. Each session features UMD doctoral alumni from different programs working in a broad career path. Attendees will learn about careers outside of academia and gain practical career and job search advice from alumni. More info at: go.umd.edu/leahyseries. |
Engage, Thrive & Connect Pathway |
January 14, 9am-4pm Virtual | Mental Health First Aid Training Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders. This virtual, one-day training gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate care. |
Become an Expert |
January 25, 1pm-2pm Virtual | Right from the Start: Designing Data Collection with Purpose Join us for this virtual workshop to learn strategies, tips, and best practices that will help you organize your research goals and think about the use and lifecycle of your data in order to strengthen your projects. In this workshop, Librarian Jordan Sly will introduce some of the basic concepts of research design, data visualization, data storage, and data management. The goals of this workshop are to demonstrate how these notions work together and how to consider the research output from the point of the project's origination. |
January 26, 1pm-2pm Virtual | Ethical Citations Workshop Journals are increasingly inviting diversity statements for articles; a collective statement published recently tells us bluntly, “It's simple: Cite Black Women” (Smith, Williams, Wadud, Pirtle, & Cite Black Women Collective 2021). Join us for this virtual workshop to learn how to build a more equitable citation practice in your research, for your literature review and beyond. |