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University-wide Graduate School News

man creates acrostic on table with scrabble tiles

A Puzzling Secret Identity

New Graduate School Dean Spells Out How He’s Written 2 Books on Acrostics
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Stephen Roth headshot

Accomplished SPH Administrator to Lead Graduate School

Kinesiology Professor Stephen Roth Expanded Programs, Enrollment in Public Health
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students walk and skateboard past the M on campus

U.S. News Ranks UMD Graduate Programs Highly

More Than 50 Schools and Specialties Earn Top 25 Spots Nationwide
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News Articles

  • Statement from Dean Fetter

    In light of yesterday’s Supreme Court decision upholding President Trump’s executive order banning travelers from certain Muslim-majority countries, I would like to make clear the commitment of the University of Maryland to the education of all students, regardless of national origin or religion.  We are committed to excellence in graduate education, and that requires recruiting the best and brightest students from across the nation and around the world.  Diversity, inclusion, tolerance, and intellectual freedom are fundamental values of the University of Maryland.  

  • Statement from Interim Dean Jeffrey Franke on DACA

    In response to President Trump’s decision to rescind DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), the Graduate School echoes what President Loh stated in his statement last week. The decision strikes at the heart of the values espoused by the students, faculty and staff of the Graduate School to ensure a welcoming, inclusive and just environment for all members of the University of Maryland graduate community.

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