The Impact of Researcher Identity and Positionality
By Hannah Jardine As an education researcher, I regularly contemplate my role as a researcher and my relationship with my research subjects. I am not alone in this; Vanessa Siddle Walker suggested “the role of the researcher in the research process” is an issue in education research that requires attention and “introspective conversation.” [1] For me, this deep reflection on how my identity and positionality impact my role as a researcher began with my first major education research experience.
“The Pathways of the Future”: The Synthesis of Histories in the Monument to the National Liberation War and to Ilinden in Kruševo
By Raino Isto Two photographs, taken August 2, 1974, captured Yugoslavian citizens “Trac[ing] the Pathways of the Future,” according to the front-page headline of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia’s principle daily, Nova Makedonija. [1]
It's the Identities, Stupid: Our Civic Responsibility to Engage
By: William Howell In an early-August radio interview, white supremacist Jason Kessler rejected the labels of “white supremacist” and “white nationalist,” instead calling himself a “civil and human rights advocate focusing on the under-represented Caucasian demographic.” Alongside racist assertions about the intelligence of different ethnic groups, Kessler managed to stress that “there's really no place that it's OK for me to speak” about “what interests are important to [white people] as a people.” [1] And, to some limited degree, he has a point.