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Program Info:
Program Code:     ASTR
Degree: Ph.D.
School:  Computer/Mathematical/Natural Sciences
General Requirements: Statement of Purpose
TOEFL/IELTS/PTE (international graduate students)
Program-Specific Requirements: Letters of Recommendation (3)
Graduate Record Examination (GRE) (optional)
GRE Subject (Physics) (optional)
Description of Research/Work Experience*
Faculty of Interest**
Application Deadlines: December 13, 2024 (Fall 2025 Domestic/International)
Contact Program:

*Description of Research is a 1-2 page description of research and relevant work experience. It should include the topic of research, where it took place and who supervised it, the description of the actual activity (for example, “data reduction for a ground-based optical FTS instrument, wrote reduction software in Python”), whether there were resulting publications, what you learned from pursuing this activity, and what motivated you to pursue it. Note:  Please do not upload documents for the Writing Samples. (The admissions committee will not read these.)
*Faculty of Interest section is required; applicants are asked to select a minimum of 3 tenured/tenure-track faculty members.

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