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Career Development vs. Job Search

It is critical to remember that you need to develop a solid understanding of your future career (career development) before launching a successful job search (applying and securing job offers). Do not wait last minute when you are about to finish your doctoral or postdoctoral journey to engage in this process. 

Developing a career takes time, efforts, and becomes easier when you do a little bit as you go.

Developing Your Career Managing Your Job Search
Description Ensures that you have all the information, skills, and experiences you need to be eligible for a set of positions Actively applying for positions and getting interviews, in order to secure an offer
Timeline Extended (at minimum 6 months-1 year) and span across multiple years as you complete your (post)doctoral training Short-term process
Focus Expanded: you are learning about various career fields and evaluate each field by centering your values, skills, and interests Laser-focused: only applying for positions that align with your interested career field(s)
Goal Enhance knowledge and readiness for a specific career field Getting a job offer
Intensity Less stressful and intense than conducting a job search A high-stake and intense process

Caring for Yourself while Developing Your Career

When thinking about your future career, sometimes it can be overwhelming, as you may not feel like you are prepared or ready for certain career opportunities. Imposter syndrome is defined as, “the condition of feeling anxious and not experiencing success internally, despite being high-performing in external, objective ways.” People with imposter syndrome often feel like a fraud or phony and doubting their abilities. 

In order to deal with imposter syndrome, it is important to be compassionate to yourself and take time to share your feelings with others. Remember to celebrate your successes and let go of perfectionism. You can also talk to the Graduate School’s Academic Counselor, Simone Warrick-Bell, and participate in a variety of programming and initiatives centering your well-being.

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