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Graduate Council

The Graduate Council is a council of elected and appointed members of the Graduate Faculty that advises the Dean of the Graduate School on policies and procedures concerning graduate education. The Council has the following active committees:

  • Policies, Curricula and Courses (PCC)
  • Outcomes Oversight Advisory Committee

The Council meets two to three times a semester to consider policies affecting graduate education and graduate students, to approve the adoption of new graduate programs or changes in the curricula of established programs, and in general to advise the dean on graduate matters.

Graduate Council Meetings

Graduate Council meetings take place in the Maryland Room, Marie Mount Hall.
Click here to see past meeting minutes, agendas, presentations, and reports.

Current Members

Chair of the Graduate Council: Stephen Roth, Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School

Elected Members-Serve 3-year terms

Name College Term
Christopher Ellis AGNR 2023-2026
Hiroyuki (Hiro) Iseki ARCH 2023-2026
Alexis Lothian ARHU 2023-2026
Jessica V Gatlin ARHU 2023-2026
Jason Rudy ARHU 2022-2025
Carly Woods ARHU 2024-2027
Paulo Prochno BMGT 2022-2025
Maria Cecilia Bustamante BMGT 2022-2025
Leila De Floriani BSOS 2022-2025
Candace Turitto BSOS 2024-2027
Ernesto F. Calvo BSOS 2023-2026
Ryan O'Grady INFO/CLIS 2022-2025
David Van Horn CMNS 2022-2025
Leonid Koralov CMNS 2022-2025
Jonathan Poterjoy CMNS 2024-2027
Xiaodong Michael Shi CMNS 2024-2027
Radu Balan CMNS 2024-2027
Min Wang EDUC 2023-2026
Janet Walkoe EDUC 2023-2026
Jeffery B. Klauda ENGR 2023-2026
Katrina Groth ENGR 2024-2027
Jose Aranda-Espinoza ENGR 2022-2025
Rob Wells JOUR 2024-2027
Lucy Qiu PLCY 2022-2025
Rianna Murray SPHL 2024-2027
Evelyn King-Marshall SPHL 2023-2026

Student Councilors

  • Varaa Kukreti, GSG President (2024-2025)
  • Divon Pender, GSG VP (2024-2025)
  • Hernan Rosas (ARCH)
  • Alexis Hunter (SPHL)
  • Laura Schneider (BSOS)

The Graduate School

  • Steve Roth, Associate Provost and Dean
  • Evelyn Cooper, Assistant Dean and Chief of Operations
  • Jason Farman, Associate Dean for Academic Standards and Policies
  • Ryan Long, Interim Associate Dean (Fall 2024)
  • Robyn Kotzker, Director of Funding Opportunities

Affiliated Offices

  • William "Will" Reed, Associate Provost, Academic Planning and Programs
  • TyJon Culclasure, Graduate Student Life (GSL) Coordinator
  • Henry Gittens, Office of the Registrar
  • Michelle Tan, Office of the Registrar
  • Matthew Nessan, Associate Director, Professional and Continuing Education

Council's Organizational Plan

(approved 6 February 1987; amended April 1993 and again in April 2007)

The Graduate Faculty of the University of Maryland College Park is primarily responsible for the conduct of graduate studies and research on this campus. To discharge this responsibility, members of the Graduate Faculty established the following Plan of Organization.

  1. Graduate Faculty Membership - There are Full, Adjunct, and Special members of the Graduate Faculty. Criteria for membership and procedures for election to membership are established by the Graduate Council (hereafter to be referred to as the Council).
  2. The Graduate Faculty Assembly - All Full, Adjunct, and Special members of the Graduate Faculty constitute the Graduate Faculty Assembly, which is a forum for discussion of matters relevant to graduate studies. Meetings of the Assembly may be called periodically by the Dean of the Graduate School (hereafter to be referred to as the Dean), by majority vote of the Council or by petition of 100 members of the Graduate Faculty. The Dean or his or her designee presides at Assembly meetings. The Assembly may refer issues to the Dean and the Council for further consideration.
  3.  The Graduate Council - The Council acts on behalf of the Graduate Faculty to ensure the quality of graduate study and research on this campus. It has authority, subject to administrative concurrence, over policies and procedures governing graduate studies, including but not limited to academic standards, admission standards, fellowships, degree-completion requirements, Council elections, periodic program review, membership in the Graduate Faculty, approval of and changes in graduate courses and programs, publications related to graduate studies, and graduate student life and welfare.
  4. Representation on the Council - Council members from the Graduate Faculty are either elected from the several colleges or appointed by the Dean. From each college, one council member is to be elected for each 100 members of the Graduate Faculty or any fraction thereof. In addition, the Dean may appoint to the Council up to five members of the Graduate Faculty and one college dean.

    The President of the Graduate Student Government shall be a voting member of the Graduate Council. The Graduate Student Government shall elect a second voting member of the Graduate Council from the body of graduate students in good standing, and shall do so in a timely fashion at the beginning of each academic year. The Dean shall then appoint three additional voting members from the body of graduate students in good standing.

    The President, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Research, the Dean and Associate Deans of the Graduate School, and the Ombudsperson for Graduate Students are ex officio non-voting members of the Council.

    Elected faculty members of the Council serve three-year terms. No more than one third of such members are elected in a single year. Elected members who serve a full three-year term are not eligible for election to consecutive terms. Appointed faculty members of the Council serve one-year terms. Vacancies on the Council are filled by appointment by the Dean from the constituency represented by the former member.
  5.  Meetings of the Council - Meetings of the Council are normally held at least twice each semester, exclusive of winter and summer terms, and are chaired by the Dean or his or her designee. Actions of the Council are by formal vote, a simple majority of voting members present prevailing, and are recorded in formal minutes taken by a secretary who is appointed by the Dean. A minimum of one more than one half of the voting membership of the Council must be present to form a quorum.
  6.  Committees - The Council has the following standing committees:
    • Academic Standards
    • Faculty Affairs
    • Fellowships
    • Programs, Curricula, and Courses
    • Student Affairs

      Special committees shall be established by the Council as deemed necessary to discharge its functions and responsibilities. The Dean may appoint such administrative committees as need dictates. All standing committees shall include at least one graduate student member. Chairs of standing and special committees of the Council must be members of the Council. Members of the committees are appointed by the Dean upon approval of the Council. Any Graduate Faculty member or graduate student in good standing is eligible for such appointment. Terms of standing committee members are for three years with approximately one third of the members appointed each year. The charge to special committees will dictate terms of office and the Dean may determine terms for members of the administrative committees.

      Special committees will be structured according to the following provisions:
    1. special committees will normally be chaired by an associate dean for as long as the Dean requests it; they may be chaired for a three-year term by a faculty member who is also a member of the Graduate Council;
    2. members of special committees will serve three-year staggered terms, and members will represent an appropriate spectrum of campus programs and disciplines;
    3. graduate students will serve on special committees if their presence is appropriate;
    4. the committees will be administrative but may suggest through the usual routes policy changes or considerations to deans for discussion. Currently, the General Research Board and the Creative and Performing Arts Board are special committees of the Graduate Council. 
  7. Amendments - Any member of the Graduate Faculty or the Graduate Council may propose, in writing to the Dean, amendments to the Plan of Organization. Proposed amendments shall be reviewed by an appropriate committee, which will make recommendation to the Council. Upon approval by a majority of the Council, amendments shall be submitted to the Graduate Faculty for vote. Amendments are adopted if approved by two-thirds of the ballots cast. Proposed amendments shall be submitted to the Graduate Faculty for vote within six weeks of Graduate Council approval, exclusive of winter and summer terms.

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