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Graduate Student Circle Sessions

What are the Graduate Student Circle Sessions?

The Graduate Student Circle Sessions are an opportunity to learn about resources and new approaches to addressing concerns, ask questions, and potentially connect with other graduate students. These sessions are typically offered monthly, occurring Thursdays during the Fall and Spring semesters. They are held virtually via Zoom.

The sessions are held virtually on Thursdays from 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm. New dates coming soon.

Accommodations (Sept 26th at 12:30 PM)

Learn how to access and utilize Accessibility Disability Service.  This session is perfect if you are a graduate student who would like to learn how to register for accommodations, how to introduce accommodations to faculty and address any questions and concerns you might have about accommodations. 

Students can register here.

Mental Health Resources for Graduate Students and Postdocs (Oct 10th at 12:30 PM)

Mental Health Resources on the campus are plentiful.  The session assists with understanding how to navigate available resources for graduate students and postdocs.  Additionally, will be able to make a decision about remaining on campus or going off campus after this session. 

Students can register here.

Leave of Absence Policies and Parental Leave (Nov 7th at 12:30 PM)

If you are a graduate student who is considering growing their family via childbirth/adoptions or an active military member, this session is great for you.  The goal of this session is to address questions and concerns related to leave of absence as well as parental accommodation.

Students can register here.

Terps Taking Care of Terps: Avoid Burnout (Nov 21st at 12:30 PM)

Being a graduate student does not have to be synonymous with being burnout.  The goal of this session is to recognize the signs of burnout, review steps to avoid burnout and resources to support you if you are at a high risk of experiencing burnout. 

Students can register here.
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