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Wylie Fellows

The Wylie Fellowship is a full-time fellowship and provides you with full support for one semester (a $15,000 stipend, a credit for mandatory fees, tuition remission for 899, and a reimbursement for health insurance). 

The goal of the Wylie Fellowship is to provide students with time during the semester in order to fully focus on writing. Therefore, Wylie Fellows cannot hold a GAship while on the fellowship. If you have insurance through your GAship, the insurance will end on the last day of the month that your GAship ends. This means you will need to find a new insurance plan while on the Wylie Fellowship.

Some students ask if there is a way to keep the State of MD Employee Insurance plan.  The only way to keep that plan would be to purchase it through COBRA, but this is a very expensive option.  A much more reasonably priced option is the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP). SHIP is a premium insurance plan and is compliant with the Affordable Care Act.  Other plans may be available to you, such as a spouse's plan or a plan through

The Grad School reimburses Wylie Fellows for the cost of an individual insurance plan while on the fellowship. The maximum reimbursement amount is the cost of an individual SHIP.  Here is the reimbursement form.  Fall Wylie Fellows can request reimbursement for summer 2024 and fall 2024. Spring Wylie Fellows can request a reimbursement for spring 2025 and summer 2025.

Wylie Fellows who already have insurance from an external source

Remember to submit a SHIP waiver during the Fall Open Enrollment period in order to avoid being charged for SHIP on your student financial account. Submit your Waiver at


Wylie Fellows who have insurance through their GAship

Before the Fall Semester: When your Graduate Assistantship ends in the May or June 2024, your insurance will end as well. The insurance remains active through the last day of the month that your GAship ended. This means you will need to find insurance for Summer 2024 and Fall 2024.  If your Graduate Assistantship ends in July or August 2024, your State of MD Employee Insurance will be active through the summer, but you will need to purchase a new insurance plan for the fall 2024.  Most Wylie Fellows choose to purchase the SHIP, but you are free to purchase acceptable insurance from a different source such as a spousal plan,, or  

  • The Summer 2024 SHIP provides coverage through July 31, 2024.  To enroll for the Summer 2024 SHIP, you should use the Qualifying Event process.  Be on the lookout for the end of the coverage letter from the State of Maryland Benefits Office ( /410-767-4775.) . You will need to use that letter to enroll in the SHIP using the qualifying event process.  You have a 30 day window (after your insurance coverage ends) to enroll in SHIP using the qualifying event process.    
  • The Fall 2024 SHIP provides coverage from August 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024. To enroll for Fall 2024 SHIP, you will use the Open Enrollment Process.  Your student account will be charged for the SHIP premium on or around August 8th.  In order to begin using the SHIP, you must go to the AHP website to activate the plan by going to (click on begin enrollment). You are considered a returning student so click on Graduates (2024-2025).  Once your SHIP is activated, you will get an email from United HealthCare Student Resources (UHCSR) which will direct you on how to create a UHCSR account.

Summer 24 / Fall 24 SHIP Enrollment Process:

  • If you choose to purchase the SHIP, enroll at   When enrolling for Summer, use the qualifying event process described above. When enrolling for the Fall, use the August Open Enrollment Process. 
  • If you choose to purchase insurance from a different source, submit a SHIP waiver at  Submit the waiver promply in order to avoid being charged for SHIP on your student financial account. 

After the Fall Semester:  The Spring/Summer SHIP will automatically continue for the Spring.  If you do not want the Spring/Summer SHIP, you will need to contact AHP at to request a spring waiver.  In December, when you are making this decision, here are some things to keep in mind.

  • If you continue with SHIP for Spring/Summer, you will have insurance through July 31, 2025 (even if you graduate in May 2025).  Your student account will be charged for the Spring Summer plan. You can enroll in the Terp Payment Plan to assist you with paying this amount over 3-4 months.  
  • If you have new GAship for the Spring, and you would like to enroll in the State of MD plan again, you need to be cognizant of your GA start date.  If your GA start date is in December and you re-enroll in the State of MD Employee insurance plan, your insurance effective date will be January 1, 2025.  But, if your GA start date is in January, then your State of MD insurance will begin February 1.  To assist with this gap in coverage, SHIP offers a Bridge Plan which will enable you to extend your fall SHIP coverage for one month (January only).  
  • Remember, if you decide to enroll in the State of MD plan again or another external plan, you will need to contact AHP at to request a midyear waiver revision. This will allow you to submit a wiaver during the Winter Open Enrollment so that you will not be charged for Spring.  

Before the Spring Semester: When your Graduate Assistantship ends in December or January, your insurance will end as well. The insurance remains active through the last day of the month that your GAship ended. This means you will need to find insurance for Spring 2025 and Summer 2025.  Most Wylie Fellows choose to purchase the SHIP, but you are free to purchase acceptable insurance from a different source such as a spousal plan,, or  

  • The Spring/Summer SHIP provides coverage from January 1, 2025 - July 31, 2025 (even if you graduate in May 2025).  To enroll for Spring/Summer 2025 SHIP, you will use the qualifying event process.  Go to go to enrollment, then click on the last option "Students with a qualifying event"

Spring/Summer 2025 SHIP Enrollment Process:

  • If you choose to purchase a SHIP, go to go to enrollment, then click on the last option "Students with a qualifying event"  
  • If you choose to purchase insurance from a different source, you do not need a midyear waiver revision.  Your Fall 2024 waiver is good for one year. 

After the Spring Semester: 1) If you are graduating in May 2025 or August 2025, you will no longer be eligible to re-enroll in SHIP.  2) If you are graduating in August, AHP offers the SHIP Bridge Plan which allows current SHIP enrollees to extend their SHIP for one month (August only) in order to assist with a transition to a plan outside of the university.  3) If you are still a registered student in Fall 2025, you are eligible to enroll in SHIP during the AY 24-25 SHIP Open Enrollment.


Please reach out to Robyn Kotzker ( 

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