Leave of Absence Information
The university allows students in certain circumstances to apply for a leave of absence of up to two semesters or up to three 12-week terms during which time they do not intend to make academic progress toward the completion of their degree. The time taken on an approved leave of absence is not included in the time limitations for degree completion and advancement to candidacy. To be eligible for a leave of absence, the student must have completed at least one full semester. Complete information about the Leave of Absence policy is found on the Graduate School website in the “Registration Policies” section of the Graduate Catalog. To request a leave of absence, the student and their department/program must complete the Request for Leave of Absence Form.
Students can be reluctant to take a leave of absence for various reasons. If you have concerns about how a leave of absence may affect health insurance, academic progress, or visa status, please see more information on this Leave of Absence document. The Graduate School’s Academic Counselor, Ms. Simone Warrick Bell, works with all graduate students who elect to go on a leave of absence. Please contact Simone at slivings@umd.edu for more information.
Health insurance information: When a student loses insurance coverage as a result of going on a Leave of Absence, a qualifying event process can be used to enroll in a plan. Another available option is for students to enroll in SHIP using the Leave of Absence option in the Voluntary Enrollment Section on the AHP website. Students on approved Leave of Absence are eligible to enroll in SHIP for no more than 2 semesters.