Graduate School Centennial Celebration Underway
As the Graduate School nears its March 19 Centennial, the celebration planned for March 27 will headline some important figures in graduate education on the campus and beyond. In collaboration with the Council of College Associate Deans for Graduate Education (CADGE), Dean Steve Fetter and others have been working diliently
Testimony on HB 270
Dean Fetter's testimony on HB 270, submitted February 5, 2019 Written testimony on HB 270
My Story: Transformed
By Matthew Aruch, Janet Chernela, Emily Colón, Katie Murtough, and Alison Thieme
East Coast Holistic Review Institute a Success
In December, the University of Maryland's Graduate School hosted the first-ever East Coast Holistic Review Institute (HRI). Led by Drs. Julie Posselt and Casey Miller, the day included a morning public session followed by an afternoon of faculty training. Over 70 people attended for the morning plenary, with 42 faculty joining the afternoon session. Participants came from Idaho, Alabama, Virginia, Ohio, and Massachusetts.