New Campus Tradition: Candidacy Tea
The Graduate School held its first-ever Candidacy Tea for doctoral students last week. The occasion celebrated the achievement to candidacy for over 300 graduate students who reached this milestone between June 1 and November 1 of this year. The event was attended by about 40 graduate students, their advisors and deans.
Invest in Your Future: A Graduate School Success Symposium, January 24, 2019
Invest in Your Future: A Graduate School Success Symposium January 24, 2019 9 am-4 pm Edward St. John Learning Center Registration opens: December 12th, 2019 Last day to cancel for a full refund: January 18th Deposit: $20 (This event is free, but a deposit is required to register. The Graduate School will initiate the process for returning deposits to all attendees within 5-7 business days after the event.)
A Model for Science Collaboration Excels
As one of the leading research universities in the nation, UMD is at the forefront of progressive research. The effort to maintain this kind of excellence requires dedicated faculty and talented graduate students, working together with partner organizations, to extend and refine the University’s research capacity.
My Story: When They Say 'You Have It Together'
By Briana O'Neal “You just seem to have it all together.” I cringe every time I hear the phrase, knowing nothing could be further from the truth.