Postdoctoral Affairs
The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs was established to provide the postdoctoral community with information, training, mentoring, and services in support of career development.
Postdoctoral Researchers
Postdoctoral researchers are a critical part of the University of Maryland academic community, bringing valuable expertise, national prestige, and additional research funding into the university. UMD welcomes postdoctoral researchers in all disciplines to the university and hopes that the relationships formed and research done during their tenure here will be most helpful in their professional development.
Postdoctoral Development
The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs offers many workshops, of varying length, to support postdocs with their professional development and career planning needs. All workshops are open to postdocs free of charge. Please see the Events Calendar for the current workshop schedule.
We welcome suggestions for workshops from postdocs and departments. Please contact Dr. Blessing Enekwe, Program Director for the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, with questions.