National Postdoctoral Appreciation Week 2020

The NPA and the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs are pleased to announce the 11th annual celebration of National Postdoc Appreciation Week (NPAW): September 21-25, 2020!
Find more information and NPAW Resources here.
Postdoctoral Orientation
Monday, September 21, 2020 • 12:00pm-1:30pm
Federal Job Search
Tuesday, September 22, 2020 • 11:30am-1:00pm
Learn the most effective job search strategies for PhDs interested in jobs in the federal government.
This workshop will be facilitated by Dr. Susan Martin, Program Director of Professional and Career Development at the UMD Graduate School.
8th UMD Postdoc Virtual Happy Hour
Wednesday, September 23 • 6:00pm-8:00pm
While we are all at home, adhering to CDC guidelines to "flatten the curve", let's meet via Houseparty!
NIH Workshop Series
Thursday, September 24, 2020 • 12:00pm-1:30pm
This workshop series will be facilitated by Dr. Linda Macri, Director of Academic and Professional Development in the Graduate School, and will provide participants with skills for identifying, managing and submitting career development and R-type grant proposals to the National Institute of Health (NIH). In addition to focusing on the structure of NIH funding, components of the NIH grant and providing feedback on various aspects of proposals, you will also hear from a panel of faculty who were successfully funded.
PhD Employer Virtual Visit
Friday, September 25, 2020 • 12:00pm-1:00pm
This new series of eight virtual employer visits, specifically for PhDs, makes learning about potential employers very convenient for busy doctoral students and postdocs. Attendees will learn about the featured organization and its work culture as well as the types of work that PhDs do and typical entry points for employment. Attendees can also expect to gain valuable advice from UMD PhD alumni and Human Resources professionals about effective networking and job search strategies. All sessions are on Fridays, 12-1 pm via Zoom. Fall 2020 dates: 9/25; 10/16, 11/13 and Spring 2021 dates: 1/14, 2/19, 3/26, 4/16 and 6/18. Registration links and the details about the featured organization, PhD alumni, and HR professionals presenting at each session are available here.
This workshop will be facilitated by Dr. Susan Martin, Program Director of Professional and Career Development at the UMD Graduate School.
Crafting Your Teaching Philosophy Statement
Friday, September 25, 2020 • 12:00pm-1:30pm
If you are applying for an academic position, or going up for promotion here at the University of Maryland, you will need a teaching philosophy statement as part of your portfolio. Whether you would like to refine your existing statement or you are starting from scratch, join us for a hands-on workshop to help you craft a statement that defines your philosophy and guides your teaching.
This workshop will be facilitated by Dr. Linda Macri, Director of Academic and Professional Development in the Graduate School.
Bridges to Biotech
Monday, September 28, 2019 ▪ WebEx ▪ Two Sessions ▪ Morning and Afternoon
Morning Session
9:00am - 11:00am
Navigating the FDA Hiring Process
Afternoon Session
1:00pm - 2:30pm
Specific positions within the FDA
*Submit your resume to be considered for positions with the FDA. Please send to Dr. Blessing Enekwe (
Also check the National Postdoctoral Association Events!