Apply to Be a Fellow
The Center invites applications for Writing and Oral Communication Fellows for the 2025-2026 AY; deadline to apply is May 30, 2025. Fellows are accepted and trained during summer and begin offering consultations in the fall semester.
Are you the person your classmates always seek out to read a draft or provide feedback on a paper or a presentation? Then consider applying to be a Writing or Oral Communication Fellow. Fellows are (typically advanced) graduate students who have a solid foundation of academic communication in their disciplines and an aptitude for peer support. Past experience with writing centers, oral communication support, peer review, or other student support is desirable but not required. Fellows are trained over the summer, work two-four hours a week during the semester, and are compensated for their time. Being a fellow is not a graduate assistantship and can be done in tandem with any assistantship on campus.
Writing and Oral Communication Fellows:
- Commit to work one-on-one with graduate students for one or two appointments a week (each one hour appointment also includes one hour of preparation time).
- Are personable and supportive and work to create a sense of belonging for all graduate students who use the center's support.
- Meet once a month with other fellows and the program director for professional development.
- Select and develop a communication-in-the-disciplines project over the course of the semester.
Writing and Oral Communication Fellows are highly valued by the Graduate School and by their departments. Selection as a fellow indicates exceptional performance in a student’s field and notable potential as a future faculty member and/or practicing professional.
To apply, submit the following:
- a writing sample of work in your discipline (preferably over 10 pages)
- a letter of interest that addresses how you demonstrate the attributes outlined above, and, in particular, addresses your experiences with creating a sense of belonging and support or cultivating an inclusive atmosphere for learning
- a current CV
- a letter of recommendation from a faculty member (ideally your dissertation director) sent directly to Dr. Linda Macri
- a brief statement from the director of graduate studies in your department or program confirming that you are a student in good standing (a simple email of a couple of sentences, sent directly to Dr. Linda Macri)
- For more information, contact Dr. Macri.