Writing Groups

“People writing as part of a community of writers are more likely to learn faster about the conventions and challenges of writing, to support each other at times of blockage and to demystify the process of writing by sharing each others’ successes and failures."-- Sarah Moore (2003) "Writers' retreats for academics: exploring and increasing the motivation to write", Journal of Further and Higher Education, 27:3, 333-342.
The Center for Writing & Oral Communication supports writing groups for graduate students in a variety of ways, from coordinating groups for interested students to facilitating new groups.
Dissertation Success Support Program
The Dissertation Success Support Program is a semester-long program that provides community and writing support for students currently writing dissertations. Over the course of the semester, we'll address skills and strategies for creating writing goals and a writing routine, developing a sense of authority as a writer, understanding and employing various revision strategies, and dealing with feedback in productive ways. Students who participate will learn and polish writing skills that are effective for large projects and receive peer support during weekly meetings. The time commitment for the program includes a weekly hour-long meeting and optional individual writing consultations. Register here by September 2 to join the Fall 2024 cohort. Weekly meetings will begin the week of September 9
Forming a Writing Group
Interested in forming a writing group? The Center is here to help! If you would like to organize a writing group in your department or cohort and would like some support, please contact us at gradwritingfellows@umd.edu.

The first step to deciding what kind of writing group is good for you is to consider what you want from a group.
For company, accountability, and shared disengagement, try a "Write Together" group. If you want to give and receive specific feedback on writing, consider a "Peer Review" group.
Different writing groups can provide different kinds of support on your writing projects. Most groups work best if they plan to meet on a regular basis (generally, once a week), with a specific length for meetings, and an established period for meetings (for example, all semester or 10 weeks).

Write Together Groups
A Write Together group works through shared disengagement. Members disengage from other responsibilities and physically come together to write in a shared space. Similar to the Weekly Write-Ins hosted by the CWOC, a Write Together group selects a regular weekly time to write, a length for each session, and a place to write. After coming together and perhaps a few minutes of socializing, group members write and share their goals then start writing. Write Together breaks can often include planned, regular breaks (for example, every 50 minutes, writers get up, stretch, take care of any pressing matters, and get back to work in 10 minutes) and a specified end time with a final sharing of progress toward goals. Group members hold each other accountable for the writing goals members set each week. In a once a week meeting, members check in and report their progress on stated goals, write for a short period, then share new goals for the upcoming week. Meetings focus on reporting productivity rather than delivering feedback.
Size—group size can be anywhere from 2-10 people
Members—members can come from any programs on campus and may be loosely affiliated or closely connected or a combination of both.
What can the CWOC do to help? We can help coordinate and organize, as well as walk you through your first meeting.
Peer Review Groups
If you prefer the support of others on the development of your writing and are looking for feedback as you develop your ideas and style, a peer review group may fit your needs. These small groups meet regularly to exchange written work and offer feedback on clarity, organization, coherence, or style.
Size—a group of 4-6 allows for members to have their work read regularly. The minimum requirement for a successful peer-review group is three members.
Members—you may want to include only members of your discipline or subdiscipline, particularly if you are interested in the development of topics and content. Or, if you are more interested in focusing on the clarity of the communication, you may want to be in a group that draws members from your college, allowing for some familiarity of content and style, or from across campus.
What can the CWOC do to help? We can help you organize your group and could join a few times to help facilitate the peer-review process.