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  • Ivan Lamas-Sanchez Wins Fulbright

    Ivan Lamas-Sanchez (Higher Education) has won the distinguished Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship (ETA).  In 2019, Lamas-Sanchez will travel to Brazil as part of Fulbright's program to place grantees in schools overseas to supplement local English language instruction, and to provide native speakers in classrooms.

  • First Annual Graduate Career Pathways Conference a Success

    Last Friday marked the first annual Graduate Career Pathways Conference at the University of Maryland.

  • Where Are They Now...

  • Dr. Lane Windham Wins the 2018 David Montgomery Award

    Dr. Lane Windham ('15, History) has won this year's prestigious Organization of American Historians' David Montgomery Award with cosponsorship by the Labor and Working-Class History Association, for the best book on a topic in American labor and working-class history.

  • Doctoral Candidate Pravrutha Raman Wins UMD Three Minute Thesis Contest

    Pravrutha Raman, a doctoral candidate in the Biological Sciences Program, has been named winner of the fifth annual University of Maryland Three Minute Thesis competition, held April 4 during Graduate Research Appreciation Day (GRAD) at the University of Maryland campus. In the Three Minute Thesis contest, created by the University of Queensland (Australia), competitors explain their research and its impact to an educated lay audience in just three minutes.

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