3MT® People's Choice Finalist Shares Groundbreaking Lactation Research
By Laurie White Entering the Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition was Fiona Jardine’s next step in bringing her ground-breaking Exclusive Pumping doctoral research to a wider audience. “I’m in the last year of my PhD, so I'm trying to get my research out there,” she said. “To bring more awareness to this issue for one thing, but also to try to get my voice out there specifically.”
Vote for UMD iSchool's Fiona Jardine in U21 3MT® 2019 People's Choice Competition
Vote for Fiona Jardine, College of Information Studies' doctoral student & University of Maryland, College Park's finalist for People's Choice in the Universitas 21 3MT® 2019 Competition for her video: "Breastfeeding Without Nursing: The Lived Experiences of Exclusive Pumpers."
Next Grad Terp Exchange Oct. 8 at MilkBoy Arthouse
Where Fearless Ideas Drop the Mic Looking for the chance to hear more about the research your amazing GradTerp colleagues across campus are doing—all while having a drink and some food? Then join us for GradTerp Exchange at MilkBoy ArtHouse on October 8, 2019. This month's theme is "The Body."
An Archivist in Mexico: The Road Less Traveled
By Anna De Cheke Qualls This is a story about a person who, through life’s ebbs and flows, found her calling, through calling, fulfilment. As Dr. Amy Wrzesniewski describes it, work that someone finds “inseparable from their life,” without concern “for financial gain or career advancement.”
The Job Search: Dr. Pan Xu
The Job Search is a series for international graduate students. By Anna De Cheke Qualls