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  • Mathematics Doctoral Student Helps Girls Talk Math at UMD

    By Anna De Cheke Qualls

  • GradTerps Vet Sara Owens Finds Connection, Community at UMD

    Behavioral and Community Health doctoral student Sara Olsen, UMD MPH '17, PhD '21, was the student veteran speaker at Honor and Remember, a Veteran's Day Service held at Memorial Chapel on Monday, November 11. Olsen, a Navy Commander and 17-year combat veteran, hesitates to receive gratitude on Veterans Day. 

  • The Job Search: Smith School Alumna Lisha Lai

    By Anna De Cheke Qualls If there is a theme in Lisha Lai’s job search, it is that relationships matter. Throughout her graduate study here at Maryland, she put emphasis on building social capital both to find support and later to assist with her job search.

  • Graduate School Co-Sponsors UMD BioScience Day 2019

    The UMD Graduate School co-sponsors this year's BioScience Day, Genomics: Unlocking the Mysteries of Dogs, Viruses and More happening Tuesday, November 12, 9am-5pm in the Colony Ballroom of the Stamp Student Union.

  • Autumn Griffin Builds Blackademia Community for Black Academics

    Autumn Griffin, a doctoral candidate in Teaching, Learning, Policy, and Leadership in the College of Education, co-founded Blackademia-a digital network dedicated to sharing and celebrating the stories of people of color in academic spaces-with Tiffany Lee, now a higher education administrator. Griffin and Lee found they had similar challenges and experiences as Black academics throughout their early careers. 

  • Make Small Talk at Weekly Grad Writing Center Series

    By Anna de Cheke Qualls  Small talk can be awkward, but it is often the first step to building relationships and networking. It is an essential skill that international graduate students and postdocs on the campus have been asking to practice in a safe space.

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