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Big Ten Academic Alliance Smithsonian Institution Fellowship
Phi Delta Gamma Graduate Fellowship
STEM Graduate Programs at UMD
Advanced Engineering Programs (non-research)
The Graduate Assistant Advisory Committee (GAAC) is comprised of students representing the three GA positions - research assistant (RA), teaching assistant (TA), and administrative assistant (AA) - and various departments. This group represents UMD GAs in Meet-and-Confer discussions. Please go here to review GAAC constitution, rosters and guidelines. You can also view previous GAAC meeting agendas and rosters.
Welcome to the Center for Writing & Oral Communication
Weekly Write-ins
Come write with us at our weekly, structured writing time.
Writing regularly and with a sense of support contributes to accomplishing your writing goals. You can join your graduate and postdoctoral colleagues every Friday morning for structured time to write!
For Spring 2025, we'll be holding virtual Write-In time each Friday morning (January 31 - May 16) from 9 - 11 a.m. EDT: No advance registration is necessary -- just join!
UMD Three-Minute Thesis Competition
The 3MT competition challenges students to communicate the significance of their research projects to a non-specialist audience in just THREE MINUTES! The University of Maryland Graduate School invites graduate students from all disciplines to compete in the annual Three-Minute Thesis Competition (3MT).
Participation in the 3MT competition provides students with...