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I'm having a disagreement with my mentor/advisor, student,colleague in my lab, research group, project team, etc. and need help resolving it.

  1. Tips for Approaching an Informal Conflict Resolution Discussion
  2. Ombuds Office 
    1. Graduate Student Ombudsman

I'm not sure whether I'm experiencing harassment or discrimination and I want to talk to someone confidentially.

The resources listed below are confidential, meaning the student can discuss concerns, and the information will not be reported to the Office of Civil Rights & Sexual Misconduct or The Graduate School. Depending on the situation, please select who you feel most comfortable talking to. 

I want action to be taken to stop an incident.

  1. Graduate School Unacceptable Behavior Incident Report Form
  2. File a Report with The Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct

I want to let someone know recurring incidents are happening.

  1. Graduate School Unacceptable Behavior Incident Report Form
  2. File a Report with The Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct
Portrait of Stephen Roth, PhD

Stephen Roth, PhD

Associate Provost and Dean

Credit and How to Manage It

What is Credit?
Credit refers to your credit history. Your credit history describes how you spend your money which can include factors such as:


Money can be a stressful subject, and budgeting is a great way to plan out your finances and be confident that you are on the right path. Although there are major events that require financial knowledge, daily transactions are just as important! Somethings to keep in mind when starting the budgeting process:

Overestimate Your Expenses

  • It is always better to underspend and end up with a surplus than be short on cash 

Underestimate Your Income

A2i Job Search Strategies Series (Jun. 2023)

University of Maryland, College Park is now an academic partner to the Accelerate to Industry (A2i) initiative, founded by North Carolina State University. All UMD postdocs have access to A2i 's summer 2023 Job Search Strategies Series. This is a great opportunity to enhance your skills and learn about topics critical for careers in diverse sectors, including teamwork, communication, job application materials, STAR technique for interviewing, and career exploration and journey.

Accelerate to Industry (A2i)


As of May 2023, University of Maryland, College Park has officially joined the Accelerate to Industry (A2i) TM Program founded by the North Carolina State University Graduate School. As an academic partner, UMD Graduate School is excited to leverage this innovative network to support graduate students and postdocs at UMD to prepare for industry careers.

Postdoc Advisory Board

The Postdoctoral Advisory Board (PAB) was created in Spring 2023 with the mission of building a community of postdoctoral scholars at the University of Maryland (UMD) and providing professional development opportunities. 

 Our Mission

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