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Update - this page is being maintained for archival purposes for now, but as of the 2020-2021 academic year, UMD decided to suspend its membership in the CIRTL network.

Dr. James W. Longest Memorial Award for Social Science Research

Dr. Mabel S. Spencer Award for Excellence in Graduate Achievement

Graduate Faculty Mentor of the Year Award

Outstanding Director & Outstanding Coordinator Awards

From 2015 -2021, the Outstanding Director and Coordinator Awards recognized those DGSs and CGSs who have made exceptional contributions to graduate education, a graduate program, and/or the graduate student experience in that program. 

In 2021, these awards were discontinued. In Spring 2023, a new Program Mentorship Award will be launched.

Past recipients of the Outstanding DGS Award and Outstanding CGS Award are listed below.    

OPA Workshops


Endowed Summer Fellowship for Archival Work in English Studies

This $5,000 fellowship provides summer support to doctoral candidates enrolled in the Department of English or Comparative Literature. To be eligible, students must have achieved doctoral candidacy, plan to conduct significant primary research in an established physical archive, demonstrate the need to conduct their research in that particular archive, and devote a portion of the summer in which the fellowship is provided on-site at the location of the archive.

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