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International Graduate Student Resource Guide

Introduction/How to use this guide:

Welcome to the University of Maryland! This guide is designed to support you in your complex journey as an international graduate student, from your preparations before arrival in the United States, to practical resources for life in College Park, Maryland. We have included a brief summary of the services available to you and included the appropriate contact information where possible.

Federal/Government Careers

Are you interested in a Government/Federal career?

Before Your Arrival

Logistics of Getting Set Up on Campus

Careers in Industry and Non-Profits

Are you interested in a career in Industry or Nonprofit organization?

Investigate Different Types of Jobs

Learn as much as possible about the skills and qualifications required for job titles that interest you. The resources listed below can also help you to learn about career paths taken by other PhDs in your field.

Academic Careers

Are you interested in a career in Academia? Before applying, you may consider if you are applying for research-intensive or teaching-intensive roles.

Research-Intensive Faculty

These positions are typically situated in academic departments and university centers that emphasize research as well as teaching. The types of higher institutions with faculty positions range from research-intensive doctoral institutions, four-year institutions offering master's degrees, and liberal arts colleges.

Kirwan Faculty Research and Scholarship Prize

Former University of Maryland President William E. Kirwan and Patricia Kirwan generously established a fund to support the Kirwan Faculty Research and Scholarship Prize. This annual prize recognizes a faculty member for a highly significant work of research, scholarship, or artistic creativity completed in the recent past.  The prize is awarded for a specific activity such as a publication, an invention, a performance, or any other activity within the faculty member’s academic discipline.

Job Search

The Doctoral Job Search

Conducting an effective job search in and outside of academia requires uncovering opportunities and presenting your qualifications in a powerful and persuasive way:

Advisory Boards & Councils

Big Ten Academic Alliance Membership

In July 2013, the University of Maryland joined the Big Ten athletic conference, and by extension, the Big Ten Academic Alliance, which is the academic arm of the Big Ten. The Big Ten Academic Alliance, whose members include all of the Big Ten institutions and the University of Chicago, is one of the broadest, deepest, and most effective academic networks in the country, offering a wide array of

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