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Benefits for Faculty

Academic Leadership Program

In order to remain viable and competitive, universities must continually invest in their faculty and staff. By leveraging resources and culling the expertise of its member institutions, the Big Ten Academic Alliance is able to offer professional development opportunities that are highly relevant and effective.

Benefits for Administrators

Big Ten Academic Alliance Graduate Deans Group

Big Ten Academic Alliance Facts & Figures

Students and Alumni

601,736 total students*

119,346 full-time graduate students*

9,332 PhDs awarded*

Of the total PhD degrees awarded in the US annually, Big Ten Academic Alliance universities awarded 29% of agriculture degrees, 18% of engineering degrees, and 18% of humanities degrees.**


40,856 full-time faculty*


120.5 million library volumes**

Prime Location


Academic Resources Near Campus

Air Force Office of Scientific Research
4015 Wilson Boulevard, Room 713
Arlington, VA 22203-1954

American Association of University Women
1111 Sixteenth St. N.W.
Washington, DC 20036

American Council on Education
Office of Women in Higher Education 
American Council on Education 
One Dupont Circle NW
Washington, DC 20036

2022 Postdoctoral Research Symposium

On September 23, 2022 the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) in the Graduate School invited postdoctoral students to an in-person research symposium during National Postdoctoral Appreciation Week.  

Do Not Delay! Make Your TerpTax Appointment Today!

Make your TerpTax appointment today!

Academic Deadlines and Reminders for Spring 2023

Below are important reminders regarding spring 2023 graduation deadlines and timeframes for graduate students.  Please email us at if you have any questions. Academic Deadlines February 7: Master’s and doctoral students: Final date to submit Application for Graduation in order to graduate this semester/term.

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