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Outstanding Graduate Assistant Awards

Approximately 4,000 UMD graduate students also serve as teaching, research, or administrative assistants. The Graduate School recognizes the outstanding contributions that these GAs provide to students, faculty, departments, administrative units, and the University as a whole. The Graduate School awards approximately 80 Outstanding Graduate Assistant Awards annually, which represents roughly the top 2% of campus GA's in a given year. The AY 24-25 Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award winners will receive a credit for mandatory fees in the Spring 2025 Semester. The nomination and selection process for the AY 24-25 OGA awards occurs during Winter 2025. 

Eligibility: Graduate Assistants must be holding at least a half-time graduate assistantship (TA, RA, or AA) for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025.  Students must be nominated by their advisor or supervisor. 

Nomination Process: Nominators (departments, advisors, or supervisors) are asked to complete the nomination cover sheet and submit the nomination to their college/school.  Some colleges/schools may have specific nomination requirements.  Please inquire with your department's coordinator to learn more about your college/school's nomination process.

Selection Process:  College/Schools select the AY 24-25 Outstanding Graduate Assistants.  The deadline for colleges/schools to submit selections is Wednesday, January 29, 2025. 

AY 24-25 Guidelines and Cover Sheet

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