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Spring 2019 Candidacy Tea Reception

On May 13, the Graduate School celebrated the doctoral students who have achieved candidacy in Spring 2019 with a Candidacy Tea Reception, hosted by UMD President Wallace Loh and Mrs. Barbara Loh at University House. Visit our Box folder to download photos from the event.  

Coffee, Some Ragtime and More Coffee

By Anna De Cheke Qualls and Ross McCool with contributions from Luke Spence

Graduate School Announces Three Minute Thesis Winners

The Graduate School sponsored the university-wide Three Minute Thesis competition yesterday, in which graduate students explain the significance of their research to a general audience in just three minutes. Competitors were selected from College or School-wide competitions held earlier in the semester. The winners were: Master’s and pre-candidacy doctoral students: Liang Liang, civil and environmental engineering, “Low Impact Development Mixture Evaluation for Heavy Metal Removal”

Graduate School Celebrates Its Centennial

The Graduate School was established on March 14, 1919 with just 13 students. At yesterday's Centennial luncheon, over 200 people joined the celebration and discussed the future of graduate education at Maryland.  President Wallace Loh, Brit Kirwan, Alan Leshner, Bonnie Thornton Dill, Kim Griffin, Amy Gardner, and Amy Steele headlined the event.

Mathematical Statistics

Maternal and Child Health

Materials Science and Engineering

Marine, Estuarine and Environmental Sciences

Applied Machine Learning

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